• Bannack Ghost Town: Fine Art

      by cleverchristie on June 7, 2019 , No Comments

      I’m new to the world of Fine Art Photography but I gave it my best shot (literally). The day spent photographing Bannack Ghost Town was a beautifully overcast day. The sun would peek out every once in a while, though. Because of the overcast weather, most of the photographs were pretty saturated. Still, I added some saturation and played with the detail and color a bit in photoshop. The Hotel was my favorite place to shoot “Ghost” pictures but was bare-bones empty inside. On the contrary, the Doctors House was decorated authentically which proved for some fun fine art and […]

    • Bannack Ghost Town: Portraits

      by cleverchristie on June 5, 2019 , No Comments

      Traveling to Montana to visit Bannack Ghost Town with my Digital Imaging class was so much more fun than I thought it would be. I learned a lot about photography and made some new friends along the way. One of our assignments was taking portraits. This was the first time I had shot portraits using Auxiliary Light. Not only did I learn how to use added light when taking portraits, but I also learned the many benefits of added light. Portraits Using Auxiliary Light Following are a few examples of the portraits I was able to shoot using different forms […]

    • Bannack Ghost Town: Creative

      by cleverchristie on June 1, 2019 , No Comments

      Levitation I have to say, creating a levation photo was way more fun than I thought it would be. It was also easier than I thought it would be. I simply used a tripod to take a photo of Brenna (above) lying on a bench, then kept my camera in the exact same spot on the tripod and took a photo of the room without Brenna or the bench. I erased the bench in photoshop and blended the two photographs. Voila! Levitation achieved. Ghost The most fun I had during my Bannack Ghost Town trip was taking slow-shutter Ghost photographs. […]

    • Bannack Ghost Town: Series

      by cleverchristie on June 1, 2019 , No Comments

      Through a Window Recently, I joined my Digital Imaging class on a day trip to a Montana State Park & Ghost called, Bannack. While there I shot a series of photos where I captured scenes through windows. I had such an amazing time! This was the first time I’ve ever taken an entire trip just to take photos. We spent the whole day there and I took upwards of 800 photos (including bracketing – so more like 600…but still). Halfway through the day, I discovered that my camera was on Auto-ISO! Gah! I kept setting my ISO between 100 and […]