• Photography: Cracking the Code

      by cleverchristie on February 1, 2019 , No Comments

      Our photographs can vastly improve by applying just a few photography basics: Rule of Thirds, Leading Lines, and Depth of Field. When we understand these rules and make a few simple adjustments to the way we frame our photos, then our photos will have a more professional look and feel to them. Take time to research professional photographers, they give us fresh ideas when we want to experiment with photography. Looking at beautifully composed photographs by professionals inspires our own creative work. Rule of Thirds I’ve always loved looking at beautiful photographs and I often find myself scrolling through Instagram. […]

    • Deconstructing Ad Design

      by cleverchristie on January 14, 2019 , No Comments

      Pepsi. My soda of choice. My husband likes to call Pepsi his preferred liquid candy bar. Pepsi is my favorite caffeine-infused-pick-me-up. I like it fresh from the fountain, in a foam cup, over some pebble ice. I may or may not get one exactly as described during my daily Maverick run. The above Pepsi ad was found on a food culture website called, ATERIET. I can definitely relate to this clever advertising. Some days I feel like I need Pepsi on an intravenous drip — straight to the vein. I am new to the world of design but I will […]