Social Media Channel Style Guide
posted in Graphic Design, Identity Design by admin on February 9, 2020The Plan
Style Guide_Conversation Sparks with cover page
The main purpose of Conversation Sparks is to help women spark meaningful conversations with their spouses. No matter how long a couple has been married, it’s never too late to learn more about each other.
Conversation Sparks’ primary audience will be women who are (or are soon-to-be) empty nesters. Although it really doesn’t matter how long you’ve been married, married women can always benefit from Conversation Sparks.
Conversation Sparks will deliver conversation prompts to help married women connect on a deeper level with their spouses. The conversation prompts will be created using photography and illustrations, then posted on Facebook and Instagram. These prompts will help initiate opportunities for women to connect with their spouses.
The logo was designed with the idea of two hearts growing closer because of the spark they feel through meaningful conversations.