Fun with Food and Product Photography Indoors:
Experimenting with sprinkles! Can we call this food? I think Sprinkles make the most colorful subject for Food and Product Photography. These sprinkles were photographed inside a lightbox.
Comfort Shower Gel shot indoors with speed lights and a light reflector. I added a bit of water on the bottle for that ‘little something extra’.
Life Savers: This show was taken on a light table. Taking food and product photography on a light table can get addictive. Look at that perfect white background.
Bread and Cheese on a breadboard. Yum! This was shot with natural sunlight from a nearby window.
Fun with Food and Product Photography Outdoors:
Wintergreen Tic Tacs. What could be better than snow for this shot? The only added light used for this product was a reflector.
Take your camera outdoors: Tomatoes and Plants on the deck outside. The only added light was a reflector for the natural light.
Christie Bryant: I really like your ordinary spot extraordinary shot photos. They are really good! I really like the picture of the chocolate cake. The lighting is beautiful. It could also make a really good food photography shot. Here is a link to my website:
Have you seen Madi’s OSES?
Check out Douglas’s OSES on his website:
These are amazing photos! I love the textures you captured and the depth you show in these. Great job!
Make sure to check out my product photography here:
Have you seen Emily Russell’s product photography:
PetaPixel has some great tips for product photography here: